የሐዋርያት ሥራ ዳሰሳ-ክፍል5-አብርሃም ተክለማርያም/Survey on the Book of Acts-Part5-Abraham Tekle Mariam (SOC 2019) Watch now
የሐዋርያት ሥራ ዳሰሳ-ክፍል4-አብርሃም ተክለማርያም/Survey on the Book of Acts-Part4-Abraham Tekle Mariam_(SOC 2019) Watch now
Mirror to the Church -Resurrecting Faith After Genocide in Rwanda | Sara Abdella | Getsoch|ገጾች-S1,E2 Watch now
የሚሲዮናዊ ልብ፡ አውዳዊነት | The heart of a missionary: Contextualization | Ruth Osmundsen | NMS 2021 Watch now
የሐዋርያት ሥራ ዳሰሳ-ክፍል3-አብርሃም ተክለማርያም/Survey on the Book of Acts-Part3-Abraham Tekle Mariam (SOC 2019) Watch now